Sunday, April 27, 2008

We Made It

After months of waiting we finally made it to Hawaii and needless to say it has been quite a day. We started it off at 3:00 this morning in order to catch our flight at 6:00. To add to that all three of us saved all of our packing until the night before which put us to bed around midnight. We have been running on nearly 3 hours of sleep and have put in a 24 hour day. We spent the day spending plenty of money and driving around the island and even stopped at the beach for a minute. Here are a few pictures from our adventures today. Enjoy!

This picture pretty much sums up how we all felt this morning.

These two seem to be in a better mood.

This is right in front of our apartment. Not too bad huh?

All of us enjoying the beach.


TODD + ANNIE said...

Looking good girls. But that view is disappointing. It's not like paradise is right outside your door or anything!!! GEEEZZZ Lucky dogs. That is awesome. I hope you are having a blast Whit!

Mandy and Brian said...

Whit, I am so jealous you have no idea!!! You guys are going to have so much fun, and you know how I hate to miss out on anything better have some dang good adventures to share with me when you get back!